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Comprehensive Guide To Web3 M&A by Areta

M&A in Web3

Amidst a sluggish global market, web3 private financing faces a notable downturn. Working hands-on in the web3 financial services industry, we’re seeing many startups weigh off potential different paths forward, in many cases looking to M&A as the pragmatic solution to achieving both the aspirations of the founding team and their company.

Accordingly, this founder guide lays out the framework for when to consider M&A for your company. We describe the depth of M&A activity in the web3 market relative to the traditional financial industries, as well as explain the key drivers and challenges impacting these transactions.

Executive Summary

The web3 M&A landscape is marked by unique challenges and opportunities, with tokens playing a central role in transactions. This necessitates innovative deal structures like token mergers.
Despite a lower volume of M&A activity compared to traditional sectors, the web3 space is seeing increased interest from traditional finance and corporate entities.
Compliance, regulations, and legal licensing are becoming crucial, with specialized web3 talent in high demand.

Key Drivers of M&A in Web3

Early Industry Maturation: Older verticals within web3 are beginning to consolidate. Notable acquisitions in the NFT market illustrate this trend.
Distressed Sales in Bear Markets: The prolonged bear market has led many companies to pursue distressed sales due to financial pressures.
Strategic Entry by New Entrants: Traditional companies are considering M&A as a quicker entry method into the web3 space, leveraging existing players' strengths.
Regulation and Compliance: Companies are acquiring entities with necessary licenses and accreditations to bypass lengthy regulatory processes.
Acquihiring: Acquiring companies primarily for their specialized talent, particularly in blockchain development.

Unique M&A Structures in Web3

Token Deals: Acquirers may sunset the target company’s token and integrate their own, or create a new token, rewarding existing token holders through buybacks or preferential treatment.
Equity Deals: Despite the prominence of tokens, most web3 companies still have equity entities, making these deals similar to traditional M&A.

Challenges and Opportunities

Regulatory Uncertainty: The lack of clear regulations in major jurisdictions leads to a cautious approach among potential M&A participants.
Complex Governance: Aligning governance structures in M&A transactions adds to the complexity, requiring tailored approaches for each deal.

Future Outlook

Increased Regulation: Anticipated regulatory clarity could transform current obstacles into catalysts for growth.
Talent Acquisition: The ongoing demand for web3 talent will continue to drive acquihiring as a strategic M&A move.
Innovative Deal Structures: As the industry matures, more innovative transaction structures will emerge, potentially setting new standards for M&A in web3.

Explore the key insights and future trends in web3 M&A, including unique deal structures, regulatory challenges, and strategic opportunities for traditional and web3 companies.


Navigating the web3 M&A landscape requires understanding its unique challenges and opportunities. Unlike traditional sectors, web3 mergers and acquisitions often involve innovative transaction structures centered around tokens. This guide delves into the key drivers, structures, and future trends shaping M&A activities in the web3 space.

Key Drivers of Web3 M&A

One of the main drivers of web3 M&A is the early maturation of the industry. Older verticals, such as the NFT market, are beginning to consolidate, with major players acquiring smaller, high-potential protocols. The prolonged bear market has also prompted many companies to pursue distressed sales due to financial pressures, while new entrants from traditional finance and corporate sectors see M&A as a strategic entry point into web3.

Regulation and compliance are critical factors in web3 M&A. Companies are increasingly acquiring entities with the necessary licenses and accreditations to navigate the complex regulatory landscape. Additionally, the demand for specialized web3 talent has made acquihiring a popular strategy, where companies acquire others primarily for their skilled workforce.

Figure 1: Global M&A Volume vs. Annual Change in Global GDP Growth P.1

Unique M&A Structures in Web3

Web3 introduces novel M&A structures, particularly involving tokens. Token deals often involve the acquiring company sunsetting the target’s token and integrating their own or creating a new token altogether. Equity deals, while more traditional, remain prevalent as many web3 companies still operate with equity entities. These structures underscore the transitional nature of the web3 industry, blending traditional and innovative financial instruments.

Challenges and Opportunities

The web3 M&A space faces significant regulatory uncertainty, particularly in major jurisdictions like the U.S. and Europe. This uncertainty often leads to a cautious 'wait-and-see' approach among potential acquirers and targets. Moreover, aligning governance structures in M&A transactions adds complexity, requiring tailored approaches for each deal.

Despite these challenges, the future outlook for web3 M&A is promising. Regulatory clarity is expected to transform current obstacles into growth catalysts. The ongoing demand for specialized talent will continue to drive acquihiring, and innovative deal structures will likely emerge as the industry matures, setting new standards for web3 M&A.

Figure 2: Historical Web3 M&A Activity P.4


The web3 M&A landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by industry maturation, regulatory developments, and strategic entry by traditional finance and corporate entities. Understanding the unique challenges and opportunities in this space is crucial for navigating successful M&A transactions. As the industry continues to mature, innovative deal structures and regulatory clarity will play pivotal roles in shaping the future of web3 M&A.

Engage with Areta Today

At Areta, we are committed to consistently delivering new insights and quantitative analyses to provide everyone with an institutional view of the web3 landscape. Download our latest report to gain a deeper understanding of the trends and data shaping the crypto market. Your feedback is invaluable to us.

For unparalleled expertise in crypto/web3 investment banking, look no further than Areta. Let us help you navigate the future of finance with confidence and precision.

Areta's Track Record in Web3


1) What are the key drivers of M&A in the web3 space?

Key drivers include early industry maturation, distressed sales due to bear markets, strategic entry by traditional companies, regulatory and compliance needs, and the demand for specialized web3 talent.

2) How do tokens deals work in web3 M&A?

In token deals, the acquiring company may sunset the target’s token and integrate their own, or launch a new token, rewarding existing holders through buybacks or preferential treatment.

3) Why is regulatory uncertainty a challenge in web3 M&A?

Regulatory uncertainty leads to a cautious approach among potential M&A participants, as unclear regulations can impact transaction structures and compliance requirements.

4) What is acquihiring in the context of web3 M&A?

Acquihiring involves acquiring companies primarily for their specialized talent, such as blockchain developers, to enhance the acquiring company's capabilities.

5) How might regulatory clarity impact the future of web3 M&A?

Regulatory clarity is expected to transform current obstacles into growth catalysts, making it easier to navigate transactions and attract institutional investments.

6) What are the benefits of innovative M&A structures in web3?

Innovative M&A structures can address the unique needs of web3 transactions, such as token integration and complex governance alignment, making deals more efficient and tailored to the industry.

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